
There’s a firestorm going on in bookselling these days: Julie Bosman, a reporter for the New York Times released a story several days ago which focused on a survey released by Peter Hildick-Smith of the Codex Group.  The survey revealed how twenty-four percent of those who bought a book online last month first saw the book in a brick-and-mortar. You can read the story here. In the wake of this story came an announcement from Amazon that they will host a Price Check this Saturday: any customer using the Price Check app on their IPhone or Android will receive a 5 percent discount on up to three items scanned in any retailer.  Thus far, this offer excludes books.

It’s damned creepy,people, and it’s not just booksellers who have something to worry about.

I find it interesting that Hildick-Smith tried to warn the publishing industry  about this trend as early as January of last year. He urged the industry to  protect it’s channels of distribution much the same as movie distributors protect first release of major movies.  Was nobody listening? Well, maybe they’re listening now.  I’m pretty sure the rest of the retail community is paying attention.

And all you showroomers? We won’t try to stop you.  It’s your right to do as you wish.  You’ll remember us when there’ are no more bookstores to Price Check. Thanks. That will mean so much.

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